“Food Is Life, Life Is Food”

Penelope Alzamora

Pandemic Tales from Peru: Penélope Alzamora Whilst international travel remains largely restricted, Aracari is still bringing you inspiring tales of people and culture from Peru, Bolivia, and the Galapagos. This month Aracari spoke with Peruvian Chef, Penélope Alzamora, our close friend and associate who for many years has looked after…

Are you a fashion-focused traveler? Do you have a taste for arts, culture, and all things style? Then Lima is the city for you. Lima’s ever-growing fashion and arts scene always inspires, and is attracting the talents of new artists and creative makers all the time. Shoppers who know where…

Sweet Lima. The best Peruvian desserts

sweet lima

Lima is one of the great gastronomic cities of the world, drawing food-loving travelers from far and wide. Thanks to Lima’s award-winning chefs and world-class restaurants, the country’s cuisine is the second most popular tourist attraction in Peru. What is the top thing to do in Peru? That would be…

Things to do in Lima

Kjolle PiaLeon

And if you are looking for things to do in Lima, the list is constantly growing.  The city is brimming with activity and is full of unexpected surprises such as a culinary journey by motorcycle, paragliding over Miraflores, a visit to long-time friend Mari Solari as she sets up her…

TripAdvisor’s Traveller’s Choice Awards have recently released the 2018 list of the top museums in the world.  Lima’s Museo Larco has been recognized as the best museum in South America and one of the twenty best in the world. Aracari spoke with Andres Alvaréz Calderón, the president of Museo Larco, about…

Chocolate Workshop Peru at the Choco Museo

Choco Museo

Peruvian cuisine has been in the spotlight for sometime now, winning awards, inspiring new restaurants in Peru and abroad, and building a reputation that it earnestly deserves.  This is in part thanks to the sheer diversity of spectacular ingredients the country boasts – and one of the finest is chocolate,…