Active Experiences in Peru – Part One

mountain biking sacred valley

Finding action and adventure is easy when you’re in Peru. From horseback riding to cycling, mountain trekking to surfing; there’s something for everyone to enjoy. In fact, there are so many adrenaline-pumping activities to experience; we couldn’t possibly include them all in one blog post. So here’s part one in…

How To Celebrate Corpus Christi In Cusco

corpus christi local people 2 scaled

Every year, Cusco celebrates the movable (in 2019 it is on June 20)  Catholic holiday of Corpus Christi, in a grand way.  The Feast of Corpus Christi (Latin for “Body of Christ”) is a Catholic liturgical solemnity celebrating the real presence of the body and blood of Jesus Christ, in…

Festival Season in Peru

qoyllur riti cross

June through September marks festival season in Peru, an especially vibrant time in which you’ll find large-scale festivities and celebrations in cities across the country. Here are some of the most notable festivities of the season, and how to experience them to the fullest. Festival Season Kicks off in Peru…

Hay Festival Arequipa


Described by former U.S. President Bill Clinton as “Woodstock of the mind,” the international Hay Festival is an illuminative gathering of thinkers from around the world. For the first time in 2015, and bi- annually moving forward, a Hay Festival sister celebration took place in Arequipa, Peru congregating some of the intellectual minds of South America….

Fiestas Patrias in Peru On 28 and 29 July each year Peru celebrates Fiestas Patrias, the national holidays to commemorate the country’s independence. It’s the biggest holiday in Peru after Christmas and the whole country takes part in the lively festivities. 28 July marks the official day when Jose de San Martin…

Corpus Christi Cusco Festival  Corpus Christi, a Catholic holiday celebrated worldwide, is very distinct in Cusco. It’s the city’s most important religious festival and a public holiday in Cusco, which is celebrated with fervor. It is also the occasion that most exemplifies the synergy between Catholicism and traditional Andean beliefs…