Whale Watching Peru

Check out Aracari founder and CEO, Marisol’s, experience whale watching in the Northern Peru Beaches of Mancora, here.  Whale Watching Peru: The Northern Peru Beaches of Mancora   Experience a half day on the coast of Peru whale watching and swimming with turtles led by a marine biologist guide. Book this…

Peru Motorcycle Tours Coasting along the open road, the exhilarating feeling of cruising through wild mountain landscapes between multiple points of interest: Peru motorcycle tours are a great way of blowing off steam and having the freedom to visit destinations that you wish on your own schedule. The King of…

On Monday, October 1st, I had the privileged opportunity to attend the Cebiche and Pisco Party in Barcelona, Spain.  Held at the Palau de Padralbes, with its manicured garden and royal roots, this elegant setting was absolutely perfect for this stylish yet informative affair. The event, promoted by the Ministry…

On October 5th, the Museum of Anthropology at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada will open the exhibit Luminescence: the Silver of Peru.  Exploring the extensive history of silverwork and its cultural importance throughout the region, over 140 pieces will be on display, including regalia, sculpture, jewelry, masks,…

By Lauren | Six AM is quite a time to start a long journey of any sort, but my colleagues, Simon and Yasmin, and I knew that a wonderful day was ahead of us, a day filled with sunshine, gentle lapping waves, and the survey of a solar observatory dating…

Your Luxury amazon cruise By Marisol | This 4-day, 3-night journey on the Delfin I has vastly exceeded my expectations. I had travelled on the Delfin I in 2007 (before it was refurbished into what it is now, and when it was much less luxurious), and on the Delfin II…