Día de la Canción Criolla Before coming to Peru a few months ago, I had always associated October 31st with Halloween, candy, and spooky costumes.  However, I recently found out that while children in the United States and other countries are trick-or-treating and dressing up in costumes to celebrate Halloween,…

More Photos from Gaston Ugalde

Bolivian Gaston Ugalde is considered one of the most important contemporary artists, and is famous for his photography and installation work, specifically those shot at the Salar de Uyuni salt flats in Southern Bolivia.  In our previous post on March 12th (The Salar de Uyuni: a blank canvas for the…

Exploring Chilean Wine Country

Highlights of Chilean Wine Country I had two and a half days to visit the areas of interest near Santiago, in particular the Chilean wine country. Christian Ramcke, my host, took me to the lovely town of Valparaiso and to two of the wine growing areas that are famous and…

Llanganuco Lodge Peru: A Weekend Getaway

Top 10 things to do in Peru - Hiking in the Andes

A Weekend in the Andes at Llanganuco Lodge Peru Part 2 of our weekend escape travel article on the Cordillera Blanca: read part 1 of our Llanganuco Lodge stay. Traveler Tales: Gathering for dinner Shortly after the sun had set over the Cordillera Negra, the amazing moon emerged over the…

Throughout October, hundreds of thousands of faithful Peruvians celebrate Lima’s patron Saint El Señor de los Milagros, or “The Lord of Miracles,” in what is one the largest and most significant Catholic processions in South America. October is known as “Purple Month” throughout Lima, and the faithful outwardly display their devotion by…

A Weekend in the Andes at Llanganuco Lodge Peru Part one of our weekend escape travel article. Read part two of our Llanganuco Lodge stay. Arriving in the Cordillera Blanca A burrito, a brownie, and an 8-hour overnight bus trip later, we arrived in Yungay, a relatively small city located…