Celebrating African-Peruvian Culture Day!

It’s African-Peruvian Culture day! June 4th was chosen in 2006 to celebrate this unique aspect of Peruvian culture due to it being the birthday of late African-Peruvian icon Nicomedas Santa Cruz. A popular musician, Santa Cruz helped to raise recognition for the distinct and vibrant aspects of African culture in…

UPDATE 30/05/2013:Peter now has a matching donor who will equal every donation you make, up until the funding target of $20,000 is reached. This means your donations going forward effectively double in value! So we have a truly realistic expectation of raising the needed funds. Have you ever dreamed of…

Qoyllur Riti, the Celebration of the Stars

Water bottle v2 in welcome pack environmentally friendly travel in peru

Each year on days leading up to the full moon before Corpus Christi, the remote Sinakara Valley on the north face of Ausungate transforms from a desolate, icy no-mans-land to the final destination of a rigorous pilgrimage and the site of a festival known as Qoyllur Riti.  As many as…

Lima Art tour with Sculptor Patricia Olguin Long have women struggled to discover and understand their relationships with their faith, distinguishing their roles, their responsibilities, and their rights as members of their respective religious communities. Peruvian artist, Patricia Olguín, has experienced this very search for identity, and in her most…

El Mercado Hotel Cusco Opens

El Mercado Hotel Cusco Opens El Mercado Tunqui is the newest offering from the same team who brought us the lodge to lodge Salkantay trek, is set to open in Cusco in just a few weeks.  Considering our experience of the four lovely lodges on the Salkantay route, which we…

Charity Climb to the Summit of Huascaran If you read our blog article on Living Heart last week and felt moved to help the NGO, then you’ll be very impressed to hear what Englishman Luke Blezard is doing to support the charity. Peru’s Highest Mountain The 27-year-old has spent the…