Condé Nast: 2016 Top Travel Specialist Peru

Marisol Mosquera top travel specialist Peru with her son

We’ve got some great news to share… Aracari’s founder and CEO, Marisol Mosquera, has been named by Condé Nast Traveler as a 2016 Top Travel Specialist Peru. According to Condé Nast Traveler, a Top Travel Specialist: “will intuit your desires before you even know what they are – then they’ll make them…

How to get to the Galapagos: Quito or Guayaquil?

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The Galapagos Islands almost always come up as one of the world’s bucket-list destinations. Of course, as with any remote location, there is the matter of getting to the islands, surrounded by vast swaths of Pacific Ocean. So choosing between Quito or Guayaquil is a frequently asked question on how to…

A luxury stay at Pikaia Lodge Galapagos

Pikaia Lodge Galapagos

The Galapagos islands are one of the world’s most spectacular destinations. The five-star Pikaia Lodge Galapagos is the most luxurious hotel accommodation available on the islands, where you can escape to the simple serenity of nature without compromising on comfort. Aracari’s travel planner Mark tested it out and shares his…

Galapagos Cruise Ocean Spray Review

galapagos ocean spray review

With their breathtaking natural beauty and unique wildlife, the Galápagos Islands are a destination high on the to-do list of curious globetrotters. But when choosing the best way to explore the islands on a luxury travel Galapagos adventure, travelers are often baffled by the wide range of cruise options. Here…

The Khipu Blog

the khipu newsletter blogfeatured

Notice something different? That would be “The Khipu”, our new look blog and monthly newsletter. There’s always time for a fresh, new look. Through The Khipu Blog, we will continue to inform you of the latest developments in culture and travel in Peru, Bolivia and the Galapagos Islands, with personal in-depth accounts…

The Galapagos Safari Camp Family Suite

Perfect for a Galapagos Family Vacation Following our recent blog post where we discussed the latest Galapagos Islands news with expert Santiago Martinez,  we were in contact with our friends at Galapagos Safari Camp regarding another exciting peice of Galapagos news: their brand new family-oriented suite.  In addition to nine…