Peruvian Art show openings from across the world

The inauguration of the contemporary Peruvian art exhibition in Barcelona “El placer es más importante que la victoria” that Aracari has been promoting is one of a flurry of exhibitions featuring Peruvian artists that have been opened recently across the world.

Peruvian art show inaugurations

In the last week alone there has been a number of notable exhibitions of Peruvian art inaugurated. Here are three of particular note.

1) Rescursos Humanos by Daniela Ortiz – Fundació Joan Miró, Barcelona, Spain

Peruvian Art show openings from across the world, Aracari Travel  Peruvian Art show openings from across the world, Aracari Travel

The show Rescursos Humanos by Daniela Ortiz opened at the Fundació Joan Miró, also in Barcelona. Ortiz’s works, making dramatic use of manufactured works such as textiles and ceramics, explore the role that human beings play in the economic and social infrastructure of society. She uses native country Peru and adopted country Spain as case studies; some of the textiles used were a result of collaboration with Nilda from The Center for Traditional Textiles in Cuzco.  Marisol of Aracari attended the exhibition and thought it was brilliant, particularly the talk and presentation from the artist. The show runs until the 8th of January, you can find out all about it here.

2) Photographs by Daphne Dougall Hogg de Zileri – Embassy of Peru, Washington D.C., USA

Peruvian Art show openings from across the world, Aracari Travel  Peruvian Art show openings from across the world, Aracari Travel

In Washington DC, meanwhile, an exhibition of photographs by the late Daphne Dougall Hogg de Zileri, who sadly passed away last month, was inaugurated. In her memory, the Embassy of Peru to the USA is hosting the exhibition, the opening of which saw many notable Peruvians attend. Her works powerfully depict a range of human emotions, and are often set against the stark and varied landscapes and cities of Peru. You can read detailed insight into the exhibition and the life of the artist in this article from the Washington Post. The show runs until the 30th of December at the Embassy of Peru, 1700 Massachusetts Ave. NW.

3) Juego by Jaime Liebana – Lucia de la Puente, Lima, Perú

And somewhat closer to home, in Lima, the show “Juego” by artist Jaime Liebana was inaugurated at Lucia de la Puente gallery on Saenz Peña in Barranco last night. Mr. Liebana’s works use an array of materials and more often than not humorously touch on erotic themes. Primarily a master carpenter, the artists contemporary art features exquisite work with wood and finishing, reflecting the human form in a playful, sleak and colourful manner. Simon of Aracari attended the inauguration and recommends it to anyone who is in Barranco in the coming weeks. The show runs until the 5th of January, all the details are here.

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