For V.I.P.’s Only: Viewing the Private Art Collection of Naguib Ciurlizza

By Simon and Carlos

Photos by Pedro Chincoa

After some ten minutes of viewing the private art collection of our friend Naguib Ciurlizza at his house in Chacarilla, Lima, it became very clear why many hail this as one of the finest in Peru.

An array of works ranging from original sketches to colourful and powerful contemporary paintings cover his property from floor to ceiling, together forming a unique insight into a range of styles, ideas and movements from the world of art.

As Naguib showed us the various works, which he has devotedly collected over decades, we were indulged by a stream of delicious aperitifs – fresh prawns (shrimp) and quail’s eggs accompanied by creamy dips and complimented by our choice of house cocktail (martini please).

This part of Naguib’s collection is composed of works by such artists as Miro, Wilfredo Lam, Humair, Corneille, Marino Marini, Aristide Maillol and Alexander Calder to name but a few,  as well as host of other significant artists of the 20th century. The collection holds works by modern and contemporary Peruvian artists of the likes of Tilsa Tsuchiya, Grau, Gutierrez, Quintanilla, Tokeshi and Negib.

Aside from paintings, Naguib’s house is adorned by Peruvian colonial furniture and carpets dating from as far back as the 16th century, while there is also an extensive showing of 18th century Spanish “La Granja” crystal.

Though we felt fortunate not only for the opportunity of seeing these works of the utmost quality; enjoying the company, conversation and entertainment of this captivating host was a privilege in itself. Afterwards – as we retreated to the calmness of the garden for further cocktails and dessert – Naguib told us anecdotes about society in Lima; gave insight into political and economic life; told first hand stories about Peru’s vibrant modern history; even for those of us who have spent years in the country, the conversation kept us in rapt, illuminating society in Lima and Peru to a fascinating degree.

“For V.I.P’s Only”, as we are titling this brand new Aracari experience, will be a very desirable offering for those of our guests who opt to spend time in Lima. It is also possible to organize lunch and dinner here too.

In addition, we are also developing an Art tour of Lima with Naguib, a day visiting the most important art galleries and museums in the city; Naguib’s expertise in Peruvian art makes him the ideal specialist to lead this tour. Please contact us for more details.

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