Peruvian Recipe: Causa

Causa - Tony Custer Peruvian Cuisine

Causa is a Limeño classic, that’s great to share amongst friends as an appetizer or small individual plate. No food is welcome on a hot summers day than cool mashed potatoes stuffed with fruits of from the sea. Below you’ll find the ingredients and recipe for a simplified version of…

How To Hike To Machu Picchu

Mark Travel Planner

Interview with Mark Green, Aracari Travel Planner Machu Picchu is Peru’s most popular tourist attraction, receiving close to 1.6 million visitors in 2018. Hiking to Machu Picchu, either on the Inca Trail or via one of the alternative trails, is a truly awe-inspiring way to journey to one of the…

Peruvian Recipe: Papa a la Huancaina

Papa a la Huancaina

Papa a la Huancaina is a classic Peruvian Recipe, that originates from the magnificent city of Huancayo, high in the Andes. Below you’ll find the ingredients and recipe for the dish, which Aracari’s gastronomic advisor Maria Julia Raffo will be demonstrating in a live Instagram cook-a-long. So why not stock…

“Food Is Life, Life Is Food”

Penelope Alzamora

Pandemic Tales from Peru: Penélope Alzamora Whilst international travel remains largely restricted, Aracari is still bringing you inspiring tales of people and culture from Peru, Bolivia, and the Galapagos. This month Aracari spoke with Peruvian Chef, Penélope Alzamora, our close friend and associate who for many years has looked after…

5 Peruvian Recipes For Summer


This month, Aracari’s special gastronomic advisor Maria Julia Raffo has kindly shared with us the details of five dishes Peruvians love to make in summertime.  “Why not use what remains of the summer to bring some Peruvian inspiration into your kitchen” says Maria, whose insight into Peruvian gastronomy and connections…

The Ultimate Peruvian Road Trip


From Route 66 to California’s Pacific Coast Highway many of us will be familiar with the great North American road trips. But, what about the best road trips in South America? The current COVID restrictions may have made such road-trips impractical for now, but as you gather your travel inspiration for…