Better than in the movies: Chachapoyas & Hollywood

Kuelap sits leering over the dreamlike clouds of the Peruvian high jungle. When you are there you feel as though you’ve been let in on a secret and you have it all to yourself. What most people don’t know is that the Chachapoyas culture has had it’s fair share of mentions, yet still manages to keep most of the tourist flock away, much of this has to do with it’s inaccessibility and that isn’t a bad thing. The Warriors of the Clouds lived in what is today the Amazonas region, 10 hours to the nearest airport. The clip is from Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981). In this scene Indiana captures the precious golden idol belonging to the Hovito indians, inspired by you guess it, the Chachapoyas. We might not be able to provide you with this type of heart stopping danger but that does not mean we can’t provide something just as thrilling!

Here’s our suggested itinerary for your own Indiana Jones adventure (without the hassles): Chachapoya’s Best Kept Secret

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